Saturday, January 11, 2014

Backup Data Finger Print X100 Ke X100-C

Backup Data Finger Print X100 Ke X100-C susahnya minta ampun, di kantor lagi ada masalah mesin finger print yang versi lama x100 nya rusak itu mesin masih versi yang lama dan tak digital alias hitam putih.

Kebetulan saya juga belum pernah pake yang versi lama langsung bisa di mesin yang baru ver x100 yang ada c nya itu, yang ini udah lebih berwarna.

Tapi pas lagi panik dan emang belum pernah mengganti sebelumnya saya mencoba untuk cari tau sebelumnya di google, duh dasar katro masalah gini aja ribet banget kudu tanya embah segala.

Tanya tanya di embah gak nemu nemu pas ketik keyword yang di tuju nyari download data finger print dari versi lama ke versi baru juga tak ketemu, cari fingerprint dari ver x100 ke mesin x100-c juga gak nemu yang ada malah masuk ke wen mesin finger print solution.

Karena lagi panik dan sikon juga udah mulai gelap harusnya saya udah pulang gara gara mesing finger printnya rusak satu dan untuk absen besok makanya saya usahakan untuk mengatasi ngebantu bagian HRD gak enak juga kalo nanti dia kena omel, toh saya juga bakal kena imbas juga sih.

Yah saya memakai logika dalam kondisi ini, biasanya kan kalo versi lama ke versi baru itu pasti bisa, ibarat microsoft office 2003 di buka di office versi 2007 kan langsung bisa kalo sebaliknya baru gak bisa.

Nah itu aja yang saya coba untuk membackup mesin fingerprint lama ke versi yang baru, tinggal setting ip saja.

Dan beres..!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Perbedaan Microsoft Project Dan Primavera Project Planner

Bagusan mana sih make Ms.Project atau Primavera??

Saya mendapatkan tugas untuk mencari perbedaan kedua software ini, padahal sebelumnya emang saya gak tau masalah nama keduanya. Karena boss nyuruh yah apaboleh buat ane cari juga, biar dalam hati saya berkata kata ini si boss udah bisa buka internet aja masih juga minta dicariin masalah ginian.

But, saya ambil hikmahnya saja, primavera atau ms project itu rupanya sebuah program untuk memenejemen sebuah project sipil, yang mana bisa dijadikan rujukan untuk mempermudah pekerjaan yang ada. nah setelah saya liat liat keduanya dan membandingkan dari penelusuran saya agaknya primavera lebih dominan untuk dipilih, biarpun memiliki sama tujuan tapi untuk masalah prioritas primavera lebih di unggulkan.

Bagi yang belum tau ke 2 jenis program diatas, program tersebut adalah program yang biasa digunakan untuk perencanaan penjadwalan suatu project. Nah sesuai fungsi nya, program ini banyak digunakan oleh project planner, project control, scheduler, project managaer, estimator, dll untuk merencanakan jadwal kegiatan proyek, jadwal penggunaan material, jadwal penggunaan peralatan, dan jadwal penggunaan tenaga kerja.

Bagaimana perbandingan ke2 program ini?

Keunggulan utama dari Primavera dibanding MS Project adalah pada saat tahap pengontrolan, dimana. Primavera akan memberikan analisa yang lebih akurat dibanding MS Project. Untuk sampai saat ini Primavera  mampu menampilkan grafik Resources(material, manpower, equipment) ,Cost dan S-Curve dalam bentuk Percentage yang dapat menampilkan perbandingan antara plane dan earn untuk setiap periode waktu tertentu. Di Primavera kita juga dapat bekerja secara Multi Project, sehingga kita dapat melakukan tracking resource/cost by Project Portfolio. Juga sejak Primavera versi 5 sudah berbasis database, sehingga dapat digunakan secara multi-user.Bahkan saat ini sudah ada versi Web, sehingga user dapat melakukan update dari mana pun.

Saat ini Primavera Project Management sudah hadir versi 6.1. Juga tentang integrated dengan Microsoft Office sangat baik, tidak hanya untuk MS. Excel, bahkan tersedia menu khusus untuk export/import ke MS. Project.Tentang membuat S-Curve, Primavera menerapkan konsep Earn Value Management yang tentunya tidak sekedar mampu menampilkan dalam bentuk persentase, tapi juga dapat menampilkan Remaining & Forcasting Cost. Untuk S-Curve dalam persen dapat diatur dari Graph Scale setting.Dan mungkin bagi yang sudah memanfaatkan P6 Web, dengan Dashboard Report dan Portfolio Analysis yang sangat user friendly, baru dapat merasakan bedanya dengan MS. Project.

Menurut gw, Biasanya MS. Project digunakan untuk meng-handle project-project kecil, dan Primavera untuk Capital Project yang perlu integrasi data dan report terpadu, sehingga factor human error minimal.

Jadi bagusan mana dong ?kalo menurut gw 22 nya sama2 bagus, tergantung kita enak makainya yang mana, tapi bagi gw kalo kita bisa primavera itu dapat menjadi nilai plus bagi kita karena biasanya perusahaan-perusahaan besar lebih tertarik ke jobseeker yang bisa mengoperasikan program ini. Mengkombinasikan ke2 program ini merupakan cara terbaik karena waktu input data  (resource, calendar, code…) kali pertama memakai ms project (karena  lebih cepat dan mudah edit), naaah begitu sudah mulai updating / tracking proggress import ke primavera deh,,Combine is the best untuk ke2 nya..

sumber :

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

How To Trade Forex - The Best Way To Trade Forex

Online Forex Trading Secrets - Before, If you're not going to give up on your desire to learn how to trade Forex successfully, then I want to let you in on a couple of little secrets that Forex educators and 'experts' will seldom talk about. By the end of this article, you'll be clued in on the best way to trade Forex that most people don't even know about. Small children alone was able to learn about forex, it is remarkable how he has been great if later it will become a reliable businessman and proficient in their field.
and there is no awkwardness in explaining his forex science,
Challenges Every New Trader Faces
Every new trader has one massive obstacle when they begin to learn how to trade Forex: themselves. Who you are as a person and everything that you've learned from your life experiences up to this point is not an asset in the world of Forex trading, in fact, it is a massive liability. If you try to bring your normal, everyday decision making processes into the world of Forex trading, you will experience a lot of frustrating losses.
Let me give you an example to illustrate how hard it is to learn how to trade Forex. Traditionally in life, and I know that this is an oversimplification but do bear with me here, we grow up learning through positive and negative reinforcement. In the case of positive reinforcement, it means that when we do something, and the result makes us feel good, then we'll keep doing that something. In the case of negative reinforcement, it means that if we do something, and the result makes us feel bad, then we'll stop doing that something.
Pavlov's Bell In Forex Trading
That's all well and good to keep you from burning your hand on a hot stove, but if you allow positive and negative reinforcements to dictate your trading, then you're in for a real baptism of fire in the markets. That's not the best way to trade Forex... it's the worst! That's because the Forex markets have a certain element of randomness to them. That means that one day, you might decide to take a long trade based on your analysis of certain indicators or patterns, and if it is profitable that day, you'll associate that pattern based on the good feelings you have for winning.
Now comes the part that gets traders stuck for years in a cycle of failure and despair. Tomorrow, when you see the same pattern or come to the same conclusion for a long trade from your analysis, then you'll take the trade again. Only this time, the price falls and you get out of the trade at a loss. Now you're feeling bad about your trade, and all these negative feelings get associated with the previously successful pattern or analysis. Now imagine this dynamic in play for hundreds of trades and dozens of combinations of patterns etc., and you have a real recipe for confusion and frustration.
The Best Way To Trade Forex
Many people don't even realize that they're being affected by the reinforcements that the Forex markets dish out, which is why they run around for years from Forex expert to Forex expert, trying to find the best way to trade Forex so that they don't have to lose, because in their minds losing is bad. Well, the best way to trade Forex isn't actually to avoid losses at all! The best way to trade Forex is to find a pattern or trade opportunity that is profitable in the long run.
The best way to trade Forex is to overcome the natural tendency of your mind to think in absolutes, and start thinking in probabilities. That means that instead of considering just one trade or a handful of trades, you analyze the same trade opportunity over a hundred or even hundreds of trades. If by trading this 'long run' of trades you end up with a substantial profit, then you keep trading it. If not, then you forget it and apply this same analysis and line of thinking to other trade opportunities.
Don't Learn How To Trade Forex From Scratch!
Obviously, this entire process gets very tedious if you're always doing it manually, because there are thousands of combinations of indicators, patterns and market conditions to test! That's where you can save yourself a whole lot of time and money by piggybacking on someone else's efforts in finding these profitable opportunities, and even have a pre-programmed system in place that can trade these opportunities for you. As a trader wanting to learn how to trade Forex, you'll get where you want to be a lot faster if you get yourself a simple Forex trading system rather than to develop and trade one yourself.
That said, without overcoming the challenges of positive and negative reinforcement in Forex trading, you're no better off with a system than trading on your own. The system is not the key, but your understanding of the best way to trade Forex is. So, switch your thinking from absolutes to probabilities, and once you're ready, save yourself a whole lot of time and effort by investing in a simple Forex trading system.
Thad B. is a Professional Trading Systems Developer who has developed and managed dozens of profitable trading systems over the years for a private hedge fund. Forex trading systems are his passion and expertise, and he has a wealth of helpful resources available for any serious Forex systems trader.
Have you been searching for a Simple Forex Trading System [] that actually works? Read Thad's Forex Morning Trade Review [] to see why it has his highest recommendation.

Article Source:

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Online Forex Trading Secrets

Online Forex Trading Secrets - I am here to share some knowledge, tips, strategies and insights of how to successfully buy, sell, trade and invest in online Forex trading. FOREX or Foreign Exchange is the largest as well as the most liquid trading market in the world and there are many people involved in FOREX trading all over the world. A lot of people claim that the FOREX is the best home business that could be pursued by any person. With each day, more and more are turning to FOREX traders, via electronic means of computer and internet connectivity.

This means that foreign exchange is not delivered to a person who actually buys like stock trading, FOREX trading also has day traders that purchase and sell foreign exchange same day. Thus, FOREX is not a get-rich-quick scheme as many people thought which complicates the real concept of online Forex trading.

Unlike stocks and futures that trade through exchanges, Forex trading is done through market makers that include major banks as well as small to large brokerage firms located around the world who collectively make a market on 24 hours - 5 days basis. The Forex market is always "open" and is the largest financial network in the world (daily average turnover of trillions of dollars).

Forex trading involves trading currency pairs such as the EUR/USD pair (Eurodollar/US dollar pair) where a buyer of this pair would actually be buying the Eurodollar and simultaneously selling short the US dollar.

Here's the deal: Just like any other market, most "traders" are losing when trading Forex. And the reasons for their failure are mainly because some lack good trading methods, sound money and risk management principles and indiscipline trading attitude. In most cases, it could be wrong mindset and motive towards the market. Some don't even understand the trend of the market, of which the trend plays a vital role in the life of any trader, as it is simply says that "the trend is your friend".

Moreover, many have been mislead by dishonest individuals or questionable brokers promising outwardly overnight riches and hidden policies.

Forex is still a little like the "wild west", so there's naturally a lot of confusion and misinformation out there but I'm here to cover many tactics and strategies used by successful Forex traders all over the world. Unfortunately, only few Forex traders are actually aware of this information.

Forex trading is all about regulation, willpower and determination. Leveraging your strength could be extravagant by organizing the appropriate Forex trading strategy. You may find hundreds and thousands of Forex trading strategies out there. All Forex trading strategies use a variety of indicators and combinations. These indicators and studies are just calculating support and resistance and trend in the Forex trading market.

What you are about to read is more valuable to you than what you will find in many trading courses or seminars that you'd have to pay for. Anyway, I don't believe in sugarcoating anything or giving you false hopes of success. There are enough swindlers doing that already. I want to give you the facts, like 'em or not, so you're empowered to take action and make positive decisions on how to succeed in the Forex markets.

There's nothing magical about the Forex markets, because all markets are ultimately driven by human psychology - fear and greed - and supply and demand. Sure, every market has its own peculiarities, but if you understand how the basic drivers of human emotions work, you can potentially succeed big in Forex market, because the market controls 95% of live trader's emotions. Some traders think it's a "get rich quick" trading the popular Forex markets.

There are many advantages of Forex trading over other types of financial instrument trading like bonds, stocks, commodities etc. But it does not mean that there are no risks involved in the Forex trading. Of course there are risks associated with Forex trading. Therefore, someone needs to understand all the terms related to Foreign Exchange carefully. There are many online sources as well as offline sources that provide hints on trading of Forex. These hints are basically the SECRETS.

As I said above, the foreign exchange trading is considered as one of the most profitable and attractive opportunities for investment as any person can easily do at home or office and from any part of the world. For succeeding the Forex trading, a person is not required to do any online promotion, marketing etc. The only requirement in the Forex trading is the account that a person is required to open with reliable and registered brokers, a computer system and fast internet connection.

Now, you have to be careful when opening a Forex account with any broker because some could be SCAM. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in US has jurisdiction over all Futures and Forex activity. When trading in the foreign exchange markets, individuals should only trade with a CFTC registered entity that is also a member of the National Futures Association (NFA) and is regulated by the CFTC. For non-US broker/ bank entities, be sure that the broker or bank is registered with that country's appropriate regulatory bodies.

The Forex account could be opened with any amount between $300 (mini) and $2000 (standard). After opening the account, a person is required to learn how the Forex market works, demo trade and after a while go live trading. Moreover, there are some secrets that have to be followed.

A person can also apply all the secrets when demo trading and can see if the secrets really work. It could be said without any doubt that if someone can apply all the secrets in right way, he/she can easily gain good money by way of Forex trading.

All successful traders have Forex trading strategies that they follow to make profitable trades. These Forex trading strategies are generally based on a strategy that allows them to find good trades. And the strategy is based on some form of market analysis. Successful traders need some ways to interpret and even predict the movements of the market.

There are two basic approaches to analyzing the movements of the Forex market. These are Technical Analysis and Fundamental Analysis. However, technical analysis is much more likely to be used by traders. Still, it's good to have an understanding of both types of analysis, so that you can decide which type would work best for your Forex trading strategies.

There has been misconception about the Forex market because there are different types of traders and advert out there full of exaggerations that makes the business unreal to so many people and that is why I am here to show you the SECRETS in Forex Trading.

What is traded on the Forex market? The answer is money. Forex trading is where the currency of one nation is traded for that of another. Therefore, Forex trading is always traded in pairs and the most commonly traded currency pairs are traded against the US Dollar (USD). They are called 'the Majors'. The major currency pairs are the Euro Dollar (EUR/USD); the British Pound (GBP/USD); the Japanese Yen (USD/JPY); and the Swiss Franc (USD/CHF). The notable 'commodity' currency pairs that traded are the Canadian Dollar (USD/CAD) and the Australian Dollar AUD/USD. Because there is no central exchange for the Forex market, these pairs and their crosses are traded over the telephone and online through a global network of banks, multinational corporations, importers and exporters, brokers and currency traders. But if you really want to make it big in the Forex market, I will strongly advise that as a "beginner" in the business. Kindly get acquainted with one or two major currency pairs. Study them very well and make sure you understand their volatility period.

Article Source:

Friday, January 3, 2014

Boot Looping Jaringan Komputer Bikin Pusing

Teknisi katro - Pagi ini adalah hari kedua dimana saya harus bekerja seorang diri tanpa ada atasan atau kepala devisi IT, ada juga manajer sudah pasti bapak satu ini gak akan peduli saya susah atau tidak. Hari ini pagi tiga januari empat belas setelah tahun baruan kemaren yang biasa biasa aja, harapan gak muluk muluk cukup aja bisa beli rumah ama mobil terus gaji juga cukup buat modal nikah. wew.

Teknisi katro kali ini sedang dipanaskan dengan suasana jaringan yang gak konek pagi hari adalah dimana awal semua aktifitas kerja dimulai, jaringan komputer di sebuah perusahaan adalah wajib tidak ada jaringan matilah kau. dan IT adalah penanggung jawab nomer wahid.

Seraya saya sedang di uji, merasa bodoh sekali saat kepala devisi udah gak lagi kerja saya merasakan betapa bodohnya diri saya (baru nyadar) kenapa? karena tidak mau belajar dari beliau masih ngerasa enak nyaman jadi bawahan gak mikir kalo bakalan di tinggalin beneran, mampus dah kalo udah gini semua kerjain sendiri dari puluhan staff yang menggunakan komputer.

Pyuh,,! mondar mandir otak ini ketika jaringan komputer pagi hari tak bisa berjalan dengan baik, unreachable alias gak terhubung jaringan, boro boro konek internet ini di jaringan lokal aja gak bisa.

Mengenal boot looping pada jaringan itu saat mendengar boss dulu pernah bilang itu looping kali coba aja ganti kabel yang ke anu ke inu deh, dan ternyata berjalan setelah di rubah kabel jaringannya.

Dan pagi ini saya sudah mencoba beberapa metode untuk masalah jaringan gak konek, yang harus diperhatikan area mana saja yang gak konek, lalu besarnya area yang di tuju. rupanya saya sendiri juga tidak bisa konek jaringan kemungkinan besar itu udah menyangkut semuanya, dan ternyata benar karena ditandai banyaknya dering iphone 1205 yang berarti untuk IT dari suara yang saya dengar hampir semua devisi mengatakan tidak bisa konek.

Yah mereka mengadu dan saya makin gaduh kebingungan sendiri, kemudian saya coba matikan wifi, switch yang 24 port lebih , proxy mikrotik juga namun tidak bisa juga merubah keadaan jaringan tetap masih gak konek, saya coba pindah pindahin kabel portnya dari lobang satu ke yang lain, masih juga sama udah di kencengin juga kabelnya semuanya, namun nihil.

Barulah saya berdiam sejenak berpikir harus gimana lagi, sambil baca mantra (bissmillahirrohmanirrohim) dan beberapa asma Allah saya ucap dalam dzikir yah saya meminta bantuan kepadanya, hanya padanya yang bisa saya minta dalam kondisi genting seperti ini, masalah hasil blakangan. Karena tidak mungkin saya mengadu pada kadiv yang udah gak lagi bekerja untuk perusahaan ini, harusnya saya usaha karena inilah pekerjaan saya.

Saya akhirnya mencoba untuk memindahkan kabel proxy jaringan dari switch internet yang menuju ke proxy saya caput lalu pindahkan ke switch yang langsung membagi ip kesemua client, setelah saya baut colok cabut colok kok lampunya gak nyala terang malah agak redup itupun hanya satu yang nyala biasanya ada dua yang nyala dalam satu kabel di switch server berwarna abu abu itu.

Dan setelah saya liat jaringan di komputer saya kok langsung terkoneksi saat sudah dikembalikan lagi ke proxy, apakah ini yang dinamakan boot looping jaringan komputer mikrotik dan bagaimana dia bisa ngeboot looping dengan hitungan semalam, sebab sore hari saya masih bisa menggunakan jaringan baik lokal maupun internet, dan pagi ini adalah olahraga yang menguras otak dan keringat.


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Pengen Belajar Forex

catatan si katro - walau tak ada hubungannya dengan komputerisasi forex trading adalah sebuah ilmu yang menentukan tentang berjalannya bisnis, tentu ini jenis bisnis yang bukan sembarangan untuk digeluti. maka dari itu banyak yang mengadakan forek trading seminar semacam itu karena minat dari bisnis forex memang bergengsi.

Si katro mencoba traking tentang forex cah bot malah banyak yang menawarkan untuk forek trading seminar di internet, bahkan belajar forex saja tidak susah karena belajar secara online sudah bisa ditemui di internet tinggal mengambil kata kunci yang kita inginkan dan yang penting harus baca karena itulah kuncinya.

forex affiliate program juga hampir tidak terbendung lagi, dan katro mendapatkan beberapa hal yang penting akan dipelajari di bidang ilmu ini.

Pada halaman daftar forex ini anda akan dipandu bagaimana cara daftar pada broker terbaik baik itu broker lokal maupun internasional yang mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai broker forex terbaik indonesia asia dan dunia tahun 2013 yang banyak digunakan oleh trader indonesia yaitu insaforex dan FBS.

Belajar transaksi trading forex atau sering disebut cara bermain forex menjelaskan tentang cara membuka posisi Buy dan Sell kemudian diikuti cara memasang stop loss dan Take Profit agar penempatannya benar. 

Belajar dasar dasar forex akan mempelajari hal dasar atau pondasi ilmu trading sebelum anda memahami aneka macam cara bermain forex  dan strategi maupun sistem trading  yang digunakan oleh para master forex indonesia sehingga anda cepat menguasai rahasia bisnis forex.

Belajar Metatrader mengupas tentang cara download dan install metatrader, serta membahas bagian-bagian metatrader termasuk fungsinya melalui metatrader, agar anda bisa melakukan analisa arah market forex secara akurat dan memanfaatkan indikator forex maupun robot forex /EA (expert advisor) di metatrader.

Di halaman belajar cara analisa teknikal ini akan dipelajari tentang cara analisa candlestick pada pola grafik forex, baik itu analisa menggunakan indikator klasik atau indikator modern. Selain itu juga belajar menganalisa berbagai kondisi market misalnya volatilitas market, kejenuhan pasar maupun kondisi konvergen divergen bahkan chaos.

Tips dan trik forex adalah kumpulan tips cara trading forex yang biasa dipakai para master forex indonesia agar bisnis investasi forex anda hasilnya profit.

Strategi forex berisi berbagai macam strategi untuk menghindari kerugian serta strategi untuk memaksimalkan profit. Mulai dari strategi sederhana tanpa indikator sampai strategi forex kompleks  100 % profit .

Berisi prediksi dan analisa forex harian yang di update setiap hari untuk bahan perbandingan analisa anda .

Itulah daftar jenis materi tutorial panduan belajar forex di situs tempat belajar trading di indonesia apakah anda akan tertarik untuk mempelajarinya.

  • forex trading seminar
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  • forex affiliate program
  • forex ambush

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Pasang Widget Keren di Desktop Windows 7

Pasang Widget Keren di Desktop Windows 7 anda agar lebih keliatan smooth dan elegant, bisa menggunakan applikasi yang sudah ada di internet dan tingga unduh saja gratis, kali ini pakai contoh yang udah bisa dipraktekan menggunakn skin rainmeter. 

Rainmeter merupakan skin yang bisa menampilkan widget-widget keren. Salah satu aplikasi yang bisa dicoba dan yang akan dikupas disini adalah Rainmeter versi 1.3. Pada versi ini terdapat tiga macam skin yang bisa dicoba:

1. Arcs
Skin ini sangat simpel karena hanya menampilkan satu widget saja.
arcs all
2. Enigma
3. Gnometer
gnometer setting
Banyak sekali widget yang mampu ditampilkan oleh rainmeter, diantaranya:




Selain widget-widget diatas tentunya masih banyak lagi yang menarik di software rainmeter ini. Silakan dapatkan secara free di
Have a nice day guys !!!

Printer Hp Laserjet Pro M12w

Keluaran baru dari produk HP yang masih mengeluarkan jenis laserjet untuk office atau perkantoran, yang mana membutuhkan printer yang bisa m...