Showing posts with label catatan copas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label catatan copas. Show all posts

Saturday, September 20, 2014



As promised, I will teach babies* to manage unmanaged server from scratch. It means I’ll try to bring those babies from zero to hero being a Server Ninja. Hence, for my early posts I will firstly write all basic things for newbie server admins should know. In this page I list all necessary, most-used and common SSH commands useful to navigate through SSH client like Putty. I believe these commands are working on any Unix-based servers.

* babies = newbies with no knowledge about Linux and server at all

If you are really a newbie, then you should bookmark this page otherwise simply skip this post.

My next plan: I will post other articles of basic guides how to do things in your server via SSH. Browse it all here.


A working SSH client like Putty (Windows) or Terminal (Mac and Linux)
A working Linux-based server with SSH enabled
A cup of coffee if you wish
A computer with stable Internet connection

Hit Enter or Return key on your keyboard after every each command / line
Each line is a single raw of command unless specified otherwise
Replace with your own domain name and TLD
Replace with IP address of your own server
Replace example paths and file names according to your server information
If a path ends with slash “/” then its a directory
A directory: “/path/to/directory/” will always end with slash “/”
A file: “/path/to/file” won’t have slash “/” in the end
A file is not always having extension in the end of the file name
OK, so lets start with the most common commands to SSH you should know..


20 Linux YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified) Commands for Package Management

In this article, we will learn how to install, update, remove, find packages, manage packages and repositories on Linux systems using YUM (Yellowdog Updater Modified) tool developed by RedHat. The example commands shown in this article are practically tested on our CentOS 6.3 server, you can use these material for study purpose, certifications or just to explore ways to install new packages and keep your system up-to-date. The basic requirement of this article is, you must have a basic understanding of commands and a working Linux operating system, where you can explore and practice all the commands listed below.

What is YUM?
YUM (Yellowdog Updater Modified) is an open source command-line as well as graphical based package management tool for RPM (RedHat Package Manager) based Linux systems. It allows users and system administrator to easily install, update, remove or search software packages on a systems. It was developed and released by Seth Vidal under GPL (General Public License) as an open source, means anyone can allowed to download and access the code to fix bugs and develop customized packages. YUM uses numerous third party repositories to install packages automatically by resolving their dependencies issues.

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